And then I saw this.

My name. It's never looked so beautiful in all the twenty years I've been alive. And then I thought. Brandi. Don't get excited. It's only call backs. And there are no alto spots available. And all the returners are coming back. But then I thought Wait. Maybe I should celebrate. Cuz what if I don't make it? Then this would have been my only chance to celebrate and I missed out. So I dunno. I want to be excited. Cuz I mean, I didn't make call backs last year. So this is farther than I have come before. But I'm really good at getting my hopes up and then getting let down. And I don't want that. I hope my heart can be strong through disappointment. But even more, I hope it doesn't have to be disappointed. I want to be in Vanguards. I want to minister to people and inspire them and share my testimony. I want to share the love of Jesus with others.
Please pick me!!!
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