So a couple days ago, my roommate Brooke had her itunes on shuffle. And suddenly, I heard a song that made my heart do a little flutter. You know that feeling when you recognize a song, and you know you love it and it just gives you this feeling inside you can't explain. Someone once called it a "heart cry." Well I dunno if anyone else ever experiences that. But I sure do.
So I feel this heart cry. ...It's a good cry by the way... and I realize, it is dc Talk. And I remembered what an effect they had on me when I was younger. They were like my first Christian band, my first concert, my first favorite band... And so today I put Brooke's itunes on just dc Talk and just sat and listened and with each song came a memory. I was listening to "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" and it brought me back to when I was in middle school and I did a book report on the book Left Behind and we had to make a soundtrack to our book and I put that song on my soundtrack. Cuz, well, it's about being left behind. And I forgot for so many years just how great dc Talk is and how moving their lyrics are and how magical their melodies and harmonies are... Ooh dc Talk, how I love you.
Movie night tonight with the amigos...
...Still no word on Vanguards or Beautyshop.
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