Friday, October 17, 2008


Today... was weird. And different. And the same. And complicated. And emotional. And frustrating. And good. And bad. And tiring.

I thought I was letting God do the work, and here I am trying to take the reigns again. I'm tired of being disappointed. And letting people rob me of my joy. I'm sick of letting things get to me. And relying on certain people to make me happy. Shouldn't God alone be sufficient? Yes, He should. And that is why I am imperfect.

I wish I wouldn't let people take advantage of me, and play with my mind. But I can't help it. I'm a pushover. And I allow people to steal my joy.

Well it's time to stop. And be strong. And have joy in the fact that I am a child of God and I should trust in Him always, for he knows what will come of everything.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friends. Laguna. Koffee Klatch. Birthdays. Bonfires. Cancelled Bonfires. Movies. Cancelled movies.

I can't believe it's only Wednesday. This is the longest week of my life. But it has been quite a fun and eventful one. On Monday Jared and I went to Cha for Tea. The best place ever. It was fun times. and we had Mango Green Tea. Which is amazing and Crispy Chicken and I tasted Tofu for the first time. Which, I have conluded, tastes like air.

And then we decided to go on an adventure. So we called up Dain. And we headed off to Laguna Beach. At like 10 oclock. And we went to this amazing place called Koffe Klatch. And it is so quaint. And adorable. And cozy. And they had bomb diggity chai tea! My favorite. :)

So that was really fun.
And then we walked around Laguna Beach. And on the way, Jared decided to attack me and jump on my back and then overtake my face with his hand, and take a picture. Hahaha. Which resulted in such:

And then we went down to the beach. And it was so stinkin beautiful. Gosh I love Laguna Beach. We just layed in the sand and looked at the stars and sang really bad and said random things. It was quite a beautiful moment. And then we buried our toes and sang Miley Cirus songs... Good times.
Gosh I love my friends. They are wonderful.

So yesterday we wanted to have a birthday party for the Jareds. We were going to have a bonfire so we got everything together and were ready to go at like 9:30 when we realized that the beach closes at 10. Great. So we went to another beach that supposedly did not close at 10. Wrong. It totally did close at 10. And then we went to another beach. But it was too cold. So then we went to Denny's for a surprise party. but then we had to leave. And it was awkward. And then we went back to school and were going to watch a movie. But then noone wanted to watch a movie. So me and Jared and Brooke went to Taco Bell. Of course. And that was the big birthday bash. Taco Bell in the study room. Hahaha. All the result of undecisiveness... which is my middle name.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Quite a blustery day.

Wow. Today is out of control. The wind is blowing like nobody's business. I was almost blown away while walking to class this morning. And my hair is just everywhere. And I hate it. Wind... is evil. And it's annoying me.

Well this day turned out differently than I expected. I thought I was going to the beach and I thought I was having a picnic and I thought I was having Beautyshop rehearsal. And all of those things were cancelled. So I had time to do homework. Which is awesome because I haven't been devoting enough time to homework lately.

So this week, I have a Biological Psychology Exam as well as a Human Development Exam and a Statistics Quiz. Busy busy busy.

P.S. My new phone sucks. It dies like evry two hours and I want to throw it because it makes me so mad.

So this really has no significance, but today I ate in the caf for dinner. As usual. And Kevin, Brooke and I decided to take a picture and Kevin said I should put it on my blog. So I will. Even though there really is nothing exciting about it. It's just the caf. And all we did was eat. And nothing exciting happened. Haha.

And now I am off to go to Cha for Tea with one of my favorite friends. =] Yummm. I love love love Cha.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Greetings from Apple Valley.

Recap: This whole week I have been so stressed because I had my very first Beautyshop gig on Friday. I was so anxious about it that I was even super grumpy on Thursday because I couldn't handle the anxiety. But ya know, after all that worry, I realized I didn't need to be worrying. It was the most fun thing ever! We got to serenade people and have so much fun and be all cheesy and just do what we love to do! Sing! I had so much fun and I continue to thank God for these opportunities and blessings!

Well I got the day off today and I took the opportunity to go home because I haven't been home once this entire semester! I came home last night after work. I left Costa Mesa and it was about 70 degrees. The sun had been shining all day. I drove home and opened the door and my limbs just about froze off. It was FREEZING! And I loved it. I love the cold so much. And it smelled like fire. And it felt like Christmas. I was greeted with huge hugs and screams by my little brother and sister. I got some laundry done and visited with my fam. And then I went to my friend Kim's house. It was so refreshing to talk to her. I love seeing friends that I haven't seen in a long time. And, another friendship of mine was rekindled, via text messaging. Haha.

I was awaken this morning by the smell of bacon, eggs, and french toast. My dad made us all breakfast and then we went to my little sister's softball game. I got to see my Oma and Poppy and Grandpa! But, to my dismay, I realized that I forgotten to bring pants! So i just had no idea what to wear to the game. So i just had to wear sweats. And look ghetto out in public. Well, Sarah won her game and then I headed to AT&T to get a new phone plan but the phones were all a kajillion dollars. So I gave up on that idea. So I just decided to keep Verizon. And my sister got a new plan and I got her old phone. The T Phone! The one I have always wanted!!! Yayyy. And then we went to In and Out. And then we went to Zachary's baseball game. And he won. And then I went to Verizon to activate my new phone. And then we had dinner at Oggi's Pizza with the fam and Oma and Poppy. And it was good times. And we also went shopping. And I got a sweet new sweater.

And now I am off to bed and when I awake, I will be driving back to Costa Mesa for work! This has been a great great weekend!

Thank God for family. =]

Saturday, October 4, 2008

One of my least favorite words.

Today I heard a phrase I haven't heard since high school. When used to infer a negative connotation, this phrase just urks me.
I looked it up on And here's what it says:

1. goody goody:

"Someone called this because they won't do stupid and immature crap like the majority of their peers.
If you drink and throw your guts up, you're alright. If you choose not to and have a good night's sleep or even sit up reading a book or having clean fun, you're a goody goody. "

Throughout my life I have made what I would consider to be pretty good choices. I have come up against stupid things but I have held strong and said no. And why is that a bad thing? People say Why don't you just have a little fun? But honestly, I have so much fun every single day. I love my life and it would just be stupid to do things just because if I don't do them, I am a goody-goody. It's like people who have made a few mistakes in their lives create a club and if you haven't made as many mistakes as them, they cast you out and decide that you are a Goody-goody and you can't be in their club because you have made a few good choices. And they could totally get out of that club and be a Goody-goody too. But that is looked so down upon that their pride is telling them that they could never do that and they continue to look at you and judge you and think you are a prude. But all a long, they are wasting time and they could just be in the Goody-goody club if they would just put their preconcieved notions aside. Because Goody-goodies are cool too. And we know how to have fun. But they don't know that. And they're afraid to try.

I just don't understand. Why should I change? I am completely content. I don't just refuse to do those kinds of things because they are "taboo." I just don't want to. I have no desire to.

Basically I am rambling. Because it's just hard to put into words what I am feeling right now. I am sad that I am persecuted by own friends for doing the right things. I am who I am. I am grounded and I will not change for anyone.

And as Christians, isn't our goal in life to do everything to the glory of God? So why would I want to stupid things that I know God does not approve of? Now, I would never judge people who do these kinds of things. If that is what they want to do, then it's their consequences they will have to deal with. But I should not be put down just because I don't want to partake.

Blah. Why can't I just be me?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Been a While.

I used to blog everyday. Twice a day in fact.
But these days I'm just so busy. And when I get a free moment, I don't have the energy to recap my whole day.
But I decided that I have to blog today because I haven't done it in so long.

So ...

Well. Last week I dissected a brain.
It wasn't as bad I had expected.
However, it was still pretty gross.

So here it is... the brain.

Gross huh?

And here it is after I dissected it.


I've been doing pretty well in school still. =]
But I got 50% on a quiz this week. =[ I forgot there was a quiz that day. Lol
Cuz I have FOUR tests this week! Gross.

And Monday was my first Beautyshop rehearsal! Yesss. It was great. I was so intimidated at first since everyone else is experienced and I was like the newbie. But I had so much fun and while I was singing I was just like flabberghasted. I was like woah. I am in beautyshop. And I am singing with three amazingly talented chicas. It was such a good feeling. =]

And I have been hanging out with a new friend lately. And he is awesome. =]

Oh how I love friends.

And... it's my sister's ninenteenth birthday today! My lil sister is growing up so fast! Hehe. =]
Happy Birthday sis.