Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I blog too much.

Seriously I blog like twice a day. Haha. Well today was long and eventful.
Let's see... VSB rehearsal: OMG So fun! And a little intimidating. But I was surprised by my own outgoingness... =]

(This is Mia and I in VSB rehearsal. I'm really excited. Why do we both look so strange in this pic?)

And then a quick bite to eat. And I mean bite. I took like one bite and then had to leave. I literally have 5 minutes between VSB and my next class.
Well at 4:15 after all my classes were done, Brooke and I headed to Huntington Beach to get my haircut. I had a fabulous talk with my hair dresser, Alli, who is the best. And then we headed off to Mia's apartment where I did laundry and we had a nice little dinner and watched Mona Lisa Smile... So good. I loved that movie. And the dryer broke, and my clothes are still wet to this very minute.


We headed back to Vanguard and went to the painting party on our floor. Sooooo I love to paint. I'm not what you would call a Picasso. However, I enjoy it alot.

Here is what I created. It's the tree of peace... or something. ...Our theme is peace train. I kinda like my little creation. =]

And here are some girls on my floor painting the big mural... I helped a little, but I took a time out to capture the beauty of it.

Oh how I love art. That's my new hobby. Brooke and I decided we're going to have paint night once a month... Woot.

OH but then at 10:30 I realized that I need to start my paper, which was due by midnight. Whew. It was a close one. I got it finished and submitted by about 11:45. I am the queen of procrastinating. And that's another goal for this year. I have to stop that.
And I will...tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the picture brand-aid!